Scematic Power Usb Up DC12

kabel usb anda panjang lebih dari 20meter bisa aja ngak usa kuatir ini saya ada solusinya buat menngani kasus tersebut daya kabel dari cpu ke kabel akan mengalami penurunan tegangan maka perlu sekali di buat penguat dengan bantuan sebuah daya baru yang di ambil dari luar cpu

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Pll Circuid Diagram

this is my colection abaout pll all in one solution god luck
PLL MC14515

Dual Layout

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PLL (phase locked loop)

PLL kependekan dari 'Phase-Locked Loop' pada dasarnya adalah sebuah sistem kontrol frekuensi yang memanfaatkan sensitivitas deteksi fasa antara sinyal input dan output dari sebuah rangkaian osilasi yang terkontrol.

Rangkaian dasar PLL

Rangkaian PLL yang paling sederhana yaitu terdiri dari sebuah VCO (Voltage Control Oscillator), detektor fasa (Phase detector), dan crystal oscillator. Sebuah frekuensi f1 yang dihasilkan oleh crystal oscillator kemudian diumpankan ke rangkaian phase detector untuk dibandingkan dengan frekuensi f2 dari VCO. Phase detector akan membandingkan frekuensi f1 dan f2, pada kondisi awal f1 ≠ f2 karena frekuensi dari VCO = 0 Hz. Karena ada perbedaan frekuensi antara f1 dan f2, maka rangkaian phase detector akan menghasilkan tegangan Vdc yang mencatu VCO. Tegangan Vdc ini menyebabkan rangkaian VCO berosilasi dan menghasilkan sebuah frekuensi f2.
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5 - 30 Minute Timer

A switched timer for intervals of 5 to 30 minutes incremented in 5 minute steps. Simple to build, simple to make, nothing too complicated here. However you must use the CMOS type 555 timer designated the 7555, a normal 555 timer will not work here due to the resistor values. Also a low leakage type capacitor must be used for C1, and I would strongly suggest a Tantalum Bead type.

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13.8V 10A Power Supply

As is commonly the case, this supply was born of necessity. There is absolutely nothing special about the circuit, except that as shown, it is quite capable of up to 20 Amps intermittently or 10A continuous. Simply use a bigger transformer, bridge rectifier and more capacitors and output transistors to get more current. The basic circuit should be good for up to 100A or so, using a 5A TO3 regulator IC, but it can obviously be increased further (if you really do need a 500A supply!).

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12V Power Supply - 30A

This is high current 12V power supply. Power supply uses LM7812 IC and can deliver up to 30A to the load by the help of the TIP2955 pass transistors. Each transistor can handle up to 5A and six of them result an total output current of 30A. You can increase or reduce the number of TIP2955s to get higher or lower current outputs. In this design the IC delivers about 800mA. A 1 amp fuse is connected after the LM7812 to protect the IC against high current transients. The transistors and the 12V regulator IC both require adequate heatsinking. When the load current is high, the power dissipation of each transistor also increases so excess heat may cause the transistors to fail. Then you will need a very large heatsink or fan cooling. 100Ω resistors are used for stability and prevent current swamping as the tolerances of dc current gain will be different for each transistor. The bridge rectifier diodes must be capable of passing at least 100 amps.
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12V 2A Linear Power Supply

As you might expect, I have several power supplies that have more than enough capacity to power my new KN-Q7 transceiver. However, my largest power supply is normally connected to my main 100W PEP SSB transceiver. It is capable of 20A and more, but it’s not easy to connect other equipment to it. I also have a smaller 8A power supply, but I use this to power some other VHF and UHF transceivers. In short, I wanted a simple power supply which I could dedicate to this new transceiver.

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